We are looking for patients to become involved in our PPG, we are hoping for a range of patient groups, genders, ages (from 18 onwards), ethnicities and disabilities are encouraged to join.
As a PPG you could
- Help other patients with the NHS App and could help out others.
- Organise health focussed events with the practice, i.e. Healthy Eating awareness as an information event for all practice patients to attend.
We are looking at holding an introductory meeting on a Monday evening from 5:30pm to 6:30pm once we have all your relevant details. We will either send out an invitation via email or SMS, therefore it is essential that you fill in form with your up to date information.
Download the sign up form here (DOCX, 13KB)
The group meets approximately every quarter. It is an opportunity for patients to discuss any concerns or make suggestions that they might feel might improve the services at the surgery. We also hold regular health information sessions and you can also become a virtual member.
To declare your interest, please leave your details at reception and an invite will be sent to you for the next meeting.
Please check with the surgery before attending as in exceptional circumstances the meetings could be cancelled/postponed.
Minutes from General Meeting (PDF, 336KB)
Letter to Members 2022 (PDF, 442KB)
Letter to Members 2021 (PDF, 423KB)
Letter to Members during Covid-19 2020 (PDF, 641KB)
Minutes 8.2.2018 (PDF, 471KB)
Minutes 8.11.2018 (PDF, 388KB)
Summary 21.3.19 (PDF, 387KB)